de Vicq, A. and van Bochove, C. 'Lending a hand: Help banks in the Netherlands, 1848-1898', European Review of Ecomomic History.
Gelderblom, O., Jonker, J., Peeters, R. and de Vicq, A. 'Exploring modern bank penetration: Evidence from early twentieth‐century Netherlands', Economic History Review.
de Vicq, A. 'Caught between outreach and sustainability: the rise and decline of Dutch Credit Unions', Business History.
de Vicq, A. and van Bochove, C. 'Historical Diversity in Credit Intermediation: Cosignatory Lending Institutions in Europe and North America, 1700s–1960', Social Science History.
de Vicq, A. 'Exploring the Limits of the Limited Partnership: The Case of the Bank of Twente, 1860s–1920s', Enterprise & Society.
de Vicq, A. and Peeters, R. 'Introduction to the Tafel v-bis Dataset: Death Duty Summary Information for The Netherlands, 1921', Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences.